Nicole Lampe

Nicole Lampe has worked in cause communications for over fifteen years. For most of that time, she has focused on protecting environmental and public health. As public affairs manager at The Trust for Public Land, Nicole worked to expand outdoor access for communities across the Western United States. She continued working on park and beach access at Resource Media, a nonprofit PR firm where she supported a range of clients, from Azul to UNESCO's World Heritage Marine Program. She also supported Resource Media’s multi-year equity journey, learning a tremendous amount that informs her work to this day. 

In her current role as head of The Water Hub at Climate Nexus, Nicole works with grassroots groups fighting for safe, reliable and affordable drinking water in communities that have lived for decades with contamination, dried up wells, water shutoffs, and worse. 

Nicole's anti-racism journey began in college at UC Berkeley, where she first began to understand the real history of the United States. Then, in 2016, she attended an Undoing Institutionalized Racism workshop led by the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond(PISAB), which convinced her that racism was the foundation upon which all the environmental and social problems she worked on rested. She joined the Portland chapter of PISAB to continue learning from its local organizers (and practicing its principles), and currently volunteers with them, helping to facilitate a white caucus for attendees of the same workshop she attended five years ago.